Thursday, February 26, 2009

Now accepting appologies

Holly Crap.
I am not going to spend allot of time on this tonight. I'm not going to bring in research or links. I am just shooting from the hip.

I, deserve an apology!
Anyone that voted for Obama, because he was the "cool" one, was more interested in Americas first black President, or was too scared to come off as racist for voting for the old white guy, or just blindly followed the drive by media without looking at the issues, you ALL owe me, my children, and the rest of America an apology!
I understand that McCain was not the ideal candidate, I was not 100% behind him myself, but I did not fear for the future of our country. We are barely a month into this and already it feels like the stars have burnt out, the field of blue has faded, and the red stripes have lost their will to stay attached.
That leaves us with a white flag.
How can he think that spending more then we have can even think about helping? I am so frustrated now, that I can't even form a logical argument.
I feel like I'm talking to a bunch of two year-olds telling them the sky is blue and they turn and say no! its polk-a-doted!
How can they not see what is sitting there right in front of them? We joked before the election that people were "drinking the kool-aid." I had no idea it was left over Jones town recipe!

Is there something I'm missing? Why can I not see the greatness in this man? What is wrong with me?
In my past I have felt this way before. I had lost my faith. Everyone around me had this great love of god, and I couldn't find it. I wasn't touched. I was lost, where was this great feeling? I looked everywhere, I asked everyone. Then it hit me, there s no god, I don't need one. The moment I realized that, a huge weight was lifted and I found my peace.
I am back to that point again, (not with my faith, I fear its gone for good,) I'm on the outside looking in. Watching all these Obamaniacs, piss themselves over a hack that is slowly, no quickly running our country into the dirt.
I am fearful for my future, for my children's future. Our old friend Bill decided to cut the defence budget and I woke one morning hearing unbelievable stories about planes hitting the World trade center. WHY ARE WE THERE AGAIN? What will be the next attack on our country?

Would someone PLEASE tell me I am being dramatic and this is all a delusional rant that has no bases in reality!!!

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