Thursday, July 30, 2009

Take 8 or so

My faithful followers and those who have stumbled into the Church of Common Sense. I have started this "sermon" probably no less then 8 times, but have neglected its posting due to the graphic nature of its offensiveness. Mind you I have no problem offending you, but I got worked up to a point, even I did not feel comfortable posting the words that were flowing out of my fingers.
Now this all started with Mr Obama's prime time press conference, or as I like to call it, "Hey look at me, I'm on prime time AGAIN wasting your tax dollars and trying to compete with 'So You Think You Can Dance'" Now in this press conference, he was defending his Health Care Plan. (A side note, it has been so long in putting this down in a 'savable format' that I now longer remember all the statements that irked me so bad.) I remember sitting there listening to him double talk and not answer any of the questions posed to him.
Here we have a 'post turtle' (Do a Google search if you are unsure) that is trying to drag our country through the toilet, and very few are doing anything! His numbers are dropping, support of his programs is tanking, and yet turn on the network news and he is still the "Savior." Watch any of the town hall meetings he holds, and you would think people were watching the Resurrection of Michale Jackson take place in front of their eyes!
Where did our Common Sense go!? I am at a loss. I can see it. It makes perfect sense to me, why do I feel like I am the only one? I go back to the campaign, I listened to him and said to myself, "This guys a Socialist! I thought Hillary was bad, help us ALL if this guy gets in." Now at the time I was working in the Aircraft industry, the PRIVATE Aircraft industry, and I was a member of the I.A.M. Union. Now lets take a look back, Unions supported him, and I was standing there with my handful of conservative friends, (David, Mikey, I miss those days!) looking around us seeing Obama support everywhere. Why? "If he gets elected we are all going to loose our jobs." David couldn't have said it better. Now he was smart and quit and went back to driving a truck before all hell broke loose. Now about 9 months after the election, THOUSANDS of jobs in my home town, in the Aircraft ind. alone are gone.
My Flock, its time for a lesson in Common Sense.
Rule #1, When you raise taxes to punish the rich, you destroy the poor!
***The rich will stay rich. If you take away their ability to make money, they will find a way around it. Higher taxes. No Problem! That just means higher costs, lower wages, and fewer jobs! When you lower taxes, they can sell more things at a cheaper cost, and employ more to achieve their goal, making money!
Rule #2, Liberal/Socialist plans do not work!
***Lets look at Detroit. They have been under Democratic control since 1962 and look how well that's worked for them!

Obama is a great speaker, and he has Charisma to spare, but we need to rally the troops and limit his time and power! The 2010 Elections are of the UTMOST importance. As Conservatives WE MUST TAKE BACK the House and Senate. Now a note to my Sheep out there. Yes, things were not great for the last 8 years. Yes, there are 'changes' that needed to be made. No, I myself did not necessarily want another Bush, and as that goes, McCain was not my first, (or second,) choice, but it was better then the other side offered. Are there dumb ass Republicans out there? YES, YES, YES! But how do we want the country ran? You have other countries that would like nothing more then to see a flaming America in their rear view mirrors, and what do we do? We cut the Defence budget and disable our anti missile programs. Is that responsible? Logical? I won't even dignify an answer. Okay, so now give me the "But America stood up and used their voice to bring CHANGE!" I respond with . Ignorance. Yes this is only a handful of people, and we don;t know haw many times they asked those questions before they got the answers they wanted, but its there. I DARE you, regardless of your affiliation to tell me that you do not know anyone that fit that profile. How many of you or your friends stood there and said "Well he's a Democrat, so that's all I need to know." Or "Its time we had a black president." Knowing damn well the entire time that you, or your friend was clueless about the agendas, the policies, and the way it would affect you personally. Every one of us that stood there and watched it happen, and did not try to educate the ignorant are to blame. Every one of us that voted on party lines and not the long term affects are to blame. Everyone of us that got caught up in a movement and stuffed our ears with the earplugs of HOPE and CHANGE are to blame. It is time to stand up, wake up and start paying attention! It is to late to change what has happened, but it is not to late to correct it. In 2010 there will be another election. On the table are a large number of House and Senate seats up for the taking. We can get rid of the Pelosi's, the Reid's and the Franks! With that power we can have the checks and balances that make our government work! It is not to late, we can repeal much of the Stimulus spending, we can stop the Socialist movement before it takes to many jobs and freedoms to recover from.
Are you offended? Good. Maybe it will make you think before you vote. Did this not apply to you? WRONG. We are all guilty! Brainwashed liberals voted like sheep and just did what they were told to. GUILTY! The informed Liberal voter, well, they just hate our country the way it is and would rather live in a land of Royalty and have a State Church. GUILTY! How about you over there in the corner? The guilty Conservative, that didn't really like the way Bush handled things, and besides, if you voted for that old white guy you might be called racist? GUILTY! Now the group I put myself in, the informed Conservative who tried to educate himself and the others around him. GUILTY! We didn't do enough. We all had friends and family that fell into the first two groups and we didn't try to save them. We passed it up as a hopeless cause, but the majority out there would over come. We were wrong! We got lucky and people saw through Gore and Kerry, and thought that we would be safe this time too. We didn't do enough!

Now, I sit back and ponder what I have just written, I realize this post took on a life of its own. I was going to go into another direction, but now that its done, I like this better. I ask you all to sit back and take the time to find out what group you are in, what you did wrong, and what you can do to earn forgiveness from what ever helps you get out of bed in the morning.

The Rev.