Saturday, February 28, 2009

What flavor was the kool-aid?

Yesterday, I was talking to a friend I work with. He is a Sheep. He knows this, because I tell him all the time. I call him a sheep with love, and he knows it. He has a couple of strikes against him, He was raised in Colorado for one, and married a girl that is a mass fundraiser for the Democratic party in Kansas. The poor Sheep never had a chance.
I was talking to this friend, and told him of a flair I sent to some friends and family, that had the Kool-aid man on it, with Obama in front saying, "gotcha sucker, you drank the kool-aid didn't you?" Now what was my Sheep-friends response? "What flavor was it?"
That stopped me for a moment, Flavor? ummm, "Jonestown" I answered. ;)

Everything I see about the current administration is suicidal.
Mr. Clinton reduced the Homeland security budget, DOD budget, and raised taxes. (until the end, when he lowered taxes to help get that surplus the left is always talking about.) That recipe for disaster gave us the gift of Sep 11 2001. Yes I did just blame 9-11 on Clinton. Mr. Obama is following the same recipe, but this time he's making a BIG cake for us! I am scared to death to see what tomorrow brings us.
We are becoming a weak country! As a majority we are so wrapped up if the "messiah" like President, that whatever he says is Gospel. Which leads us right back to Sheep.... they will follow ANYBODY! (and, yes, that WAS a jesus joke for those of you keeping count of my offensive comments :)
So back to suicide.
Crisis, crisis, doom and despair. Worst economic situation ever..... All are lies. We were worse off in the 80's! Higher unemployment then now, greater decrease in revenue, and how did he fix it? he LOWERED TAXES AND STOPPED SPENDING.
I just heard a comment made by the almighty Rush, that pointed out that Obama has proposed more spending since he took office, then in the ENTIRE lifespan of America! If that is true, (I have not done my research so will not say 100% true, remember I am not a sheep, I question even those I trust.)
What future does our country have if we don't stop this? We must, and by we I mean all of us, people and Sheep together, MUST stand up and question, and stop this destruction of our country.
Oh and btw 52% to 46% is NOT a landslide!!!!

My closing note for today,
Think, get angry, Stand up, and demand change GOOD for our country!
---oh and I'm still accepting apologies, I haven't received any yet. But they are coming, I know they are.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Now accepting appologies

Holly Crap.
I am not going to spend allot of time on this tonight. I'm not going to bring in research or links. I am just shooting from the hip.

I, deserve an apology!
Anyone that voted for Obama, because he was the "cool" one, was more interested in Americas first black President, or was too scared to come off as racist for voting for the old white guy, or just blindly followed the drive by media without looking at the issues, you ALL owe me, my children, and the rest of America an apology!
I understand that McCain was not the ideal candidate, I was not 100% behind him myself, but I did not fear for the future of our country. We are barely a month into this and already it feels like the stars have burnt out, the field of blue has faded, and the red stripes have lost their will to stay attached.
That leaves us with a white flag.
How can he think that spending more then we have can even think about helping? I am so frustrated now, that I can't even form a logical argument.
I feel like I'm talking to a bunch of two year-olds telling them the sky is blue and they turn and say no! its polk-a-doted!
How can they not see what is sitting there right in front of them? We joked before the election that people were "drinking the kool-aid." I had no idea it was left over Jones town recipe!

Is there something I'm missing? Why can I not see the greatness in this man? What is wrong with me?
In my past I have felt this way before. I had lost my faith. Everyone around me had this great love of god, and I couldn't find it. I wasn't touched. I was lost, where was this great feeling? I looked everywhere, I asked everyone. Then it hit me, there s no god, I don't need one. The moment I realized that, a huge weight was lifted and I found my peace.
I am back to that point again, (not with my faith, I fear its gone for good,) I'm on the outside looking in. Watching all these Obamaniacs, piss themselves over a hack that is slowly, no quickly running our country into the dirt.
I am fearful for my future, for my children's future. Our old friend Bill decided to cut the defence budget and I woke one morning hearing unbelievable stories about planes hitting the World trade center. WHY ARE WE THERE AGAIN? What will be the next attack on our country?

Would someone PLEASE tell me I am being dramatic and this is all a delusional rant that has no bases in reality!!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

I fear that I may be one of the first in the camp...

So I was at work today, and I had an AWFUL thought. And I mean AWFUL! (For those of you who really know me, you will understand better then those learning of me through this blog.)
I miss Clinton. Yes, Bill Clinton. I liked W, I voted for him twice, and never once in the big picture regretted it.
Yes, i do believe that the economic tragedy we are currently living in, is his fault. He undid all that Reagan did and over time, well, here we are.
I served under Clinton for the first half of my military career and under W for the rest. Bill scared me. However this is the important part, I never doubted nor questioned his love for this great country that I live in. I can not say the same for Obama. I do not trust him, I do not believe him, and I am scared of him!
We all saw the nifty tee-shirts during the election, comparing Obama to Hitler, Marx, or other Communist or Socialist leaders. I found those funny, and thought about buying one for myself. Never did I think let alone in the first 20 days that he would start to prove all of them right.
You don't have to like Bush, there were many actions taken, choices made, paths chosen that I did not agree with, but he kept our country safe for 7 years after our lives were shaken to the core!
I remember when the U.S.S. Cole was bombed. I remember it well. I was in Adana Turkey in Operation Northern Watch. As an Airman this was the first time that I had ever been in a REAL treat con. I had trained for it, I had thought about it, but we were at peace and nobody out there had the guts to screw with us. Till then. I saw things there that I never thought I would see in a real world environment. Now don't get me wrong, I was not on a Front line. I did not see any of my friends die while I was there. I saw no action. This is a fact that I am both eternally grateful and yet saddened that I never had the chance to serve in that manor.

... But I digress...

When I read the news that Obama had dropped all charges against the Cole bombers and they had been released, ( ) I about lost it, I have calmed down since then, as you can tell by the lack of cursing in this post. We are going to close Guitmo, and give them constitutional rights. ARE YOU FRACKING KIDDING ME? Since when do Terrorists deserve constitutional rights? The core of what the want to destroy, and we are going to use it to protect them? What next, are we going to forgive them because ********************Thought stopped and self Censored*******

Sorry, maybe time to switch gears. How is throwing trillions of dollars at a bunch of left-winged, pinko, tree hugging, socialist programs help the economy? Can we look at history? The new deal did not work. Reaganomics did. so lets of course go to the Newer deal. That makes sense.

Okay well it is now bedtime and I am forced to stop ranting. Need a good night sleep to go build the airplanes that Congress have deemed evil, but that is another post for another day.


I never thought I would start a blog, It was not for me, save for a comment or two on a mypsace page. I have been thinking about it all day, and went out and started a blog.

Let me start be saying a bit about myself before we get going on what I am going to lovingly call "sermons," but will most likely be viewed as ramblings.

#1. I am opinionated, VERY opinionated. If you disagree with me there is a good chance you are wrong.

#2. I enjoy Politics. Many of my "sermons" will most likely center around politics, which is the reason I had to start this. Oh and apply #1 here too.

#3. I am an Atheist. and #1 does not apply here. I am Atheist, not Anti-Theist! If that's what you need in your life then go for it. I love to discuss religion probably more then I enjoy discussing politics.

#4. I am a Republican, Pro-Choice, Former Military, (USAF,) Divorced, Re-married, Father of 2 teenage boys.

#5. Coffee IS life, and no, there is not life before coffee.

I think that is a good start and I will add more at a later date if I feel it necessary.

So, in other words, welcome to my blog. Remember, if you don't like what I have to say, refer to #1. If that doesn't work, ask yourself..... Would I rather be Pissed Off or Pissed On?