Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sit down, this might not offend ANYONE!

I don't know if it's the fact that for the most part its been raining for 2 days straight, or if I have had my hands full going out and attacking people at their core beliefs, (or so I've been told,) but I don't feel like doing any of that today.
I don't know if it was the fact that my alarm was set for 8, and I crawled out of bed at 4.....but I've been sitting here in the dark, thinking.
Thinking of the Internet, time, and how the internet, over time, has affected us, or more specifically, me.
I go back to the days of school, more accurately graduation. You hug your friends and share the obligatory "keep in touch" moments, walk out the room and forget 90% of their phone numbers. This is understandable. Some of them you never really liked, but were forced into spending a good chunk of time with them, so it was easier to be friends. Some of them you dated, and stopped for whatever reason, but were still forced to spend a good chunk of time with them. Then there were legitimate friends, but you found out after, (you guessed it,) that it was mostly because you were forced to spend a good chunk of time with them. Now to be fair, there were those friends that you ACTUALLY kept in touch with, that is until they became flaming boils on the butts of humanity to the point they won't even pick up the phone to call their own mother, but we're not talking about him today so lets move on shall we?
I look at blogs, face book, twitter, and all the other ways we can communicate now. I go over my face book friends list, as see names that I haven't talked to for years, and still for the most part don't, but they are there, and we say hi now and then. Then there are those, who you never thought you'd talk to even when you added them as friends, and find yourself chatting, or messaging back and forth more often then you did then when you were "friends." We also see our friends parents in our lists. You know the old girlfriends mom who couldn't stand you, (at least that's what you thought,) and you spent most of your time trying to arrange the most time with her daughter, and the least amount of time with the mother as possible. (you know the one) Now after the passage of time, you find your self talking to her more then her daughter. Of course your no longer dating, but have still remained friends over the years, but never thought you would sit and talk to her mom without being forced to .... EVER.
What has happened to us? Are all the old taboos gone because we have this filter of the internet? We now have the ability to find our soul mates before we ever enter the same room. The 90 lb. weakling can now publicly decimate the jock with words with out fearing for his mortal soul.
Have I finaly grown up, and this is the way it has always been, or are we, the lucky ones to live in this day and age changing the rules of the status quo to the point that all the old rules are gone?
Sorry This just came to me and I had to type this out. Maybe I'll recycle this for a psychology paper.... hmm that could work.
Sorry not to offend any one, but sit back and wait, your time is coming. I have some things on the burner that when it comes to a nice boil..... so should everyone else ;)