Monday, June 1, 2009

Sorry, but the Book Donkey got me started.

My dear, close friend John. May I start with, I love you. I love your family, I love your convictions. Now, as usual, in my own way, I agree with you..... partially.
Lets just say, hypothetically, a pro lifer, posts a message on a pro life website, asking how to infiltrate a well known abortion Doctors church, not the outside, but on the inside. Then a few months later, looks up directions, gets in his car, drives approximately 3 hours, walks into a CHURCH, locates his target, and shots him in the head at point blank range, walks out the door and starts to drive home. Hypothetically that is the definition of a premeditated ASSASSINATION.
Dr. Tiller, was assassinated, for his profession, his LEGAL profession.
I do not respond much, but as a born bred Wichitian, this hits a nerve. I lived through everyday of the "Summer of mercy." And am very, very pro choice.... POLITICALLY. Morally, I am pro life. However if you want to see what happens when you legislate morality, Google the Taliban.
Now for the rest of it I think you hit the nail on the head. When a 'religious' individual kills in the name of god, well, I agree with you.
Now for my sub-counter point. Pretty much as soon as women, started getting pregnant, they started trying to figure out how to undo it. We have come a long way in medical science and now have a means of providing that service with a low mortality rate. What happens when you make that procedure illegal? All abortions stop? Don't kid yourself. Can you say.... coat hanger? Good.... I knew you could. (sorry bad Mr. Rodgers crack)Just because they are illegal does not mean they don't happen! At least Dr Tiller gave his patients a choice. Yes he performed abortions, and yes some were late term, under special circumstances. But how many pro lifers standing in a picket line taunting panicked girls, stopped to really talk to them instead of showing them horrid pictures and telling them they were going to hell? (remember I saw the summer of mercy first hand.) Dr. Tiller did that. He gave counseling, and even helped some of his patients change their mind. Nobody talks about that.
Okay, now I apologize. not for what I said, but for how the reader of this takes it, I know I can be blunt, and this subject got me worked up. At the vigil for Dr Tiller Sunday night, speaking first hand, the atmosphere was full of love and morning, as opposed to the hateful "christians" across the street. (well as much as you can call the Phelps Wackadoos 'christian')
Dr Tiller, agree with him or not, was a hero in his own way.
Now as the hour is late, and I must call it a night, let me emphasize, John, in NO WAY is this 'rant' an attack on you! Its just a response.


  1. First off, I know it wasn't an attack on me. We have been friends for way too long to have this come between us. No way dude. I think because we are on both ends of the spectrum of some things makes us really good friends. This is why we have blogs and can "rant" on these things. I like them alot.

    Now my comments:

    Good post. Good points. what you posted goes with "the other things" I mentioned in my blog.

    I wouldn't want to talk anybody yelling at me: calling me a whore (and other nasty things), telling me I'm going to hell. There ain't no way I would want to talk to those idiots.

    Dude, good post. No offense taken in anyway.

    I'm out of here.

    The Book Donkey Signing Off |,,|

  2. Deep inside I knew you would not see this as an attack, but with the passion that tags along with this subject, and the hour was late, I questioned myself and had to make it clear.
    But then we have always been able to discuss our varied viewpoints peacefully, I'm not sure why I thought differently last night.

  3. I like listening to you guys rant! It's very informative, not only on subject matter but also in the study of human nature and the way we view and interpret things. Please continue! LOL ...And by the way, why aren't you following me yet? Oh, yeah! I just remembered, I don't usually rant. I had a subject in mind to rant on one day a couple weeks back and it slipped through the collander that is my mind these days. I would've sighed here but my "html" couldn't be accepted! Aargh!

  4. Okay M^4..... If I didn't know better, it sounds as if your 'instigating' an argument here. :)
