Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sit down, this might not offend ANYONE!

I don't know if it's the fact that for the most part its been raining for 2 days straight, or if I have had my hands full going out and attacking people at their core beliefs, (or so I've been told,) but I don't feel like doing any of that today.
I don't know if it was the fact that my alarm was set for 8, and I crawled out of bed at 4.....but I've been sitting here in the dark, thinking.
Thinking of the Internet, time, and how the internet, over time, has affected us, or more specifically, me.
I go back to the days of school, more accurately graduation. You hug your friends and share the obligatory "keep in touch" moments, walk out the room and forget 90% of their phone numbers. This is understandable. Some of them you never really liked, but were forced into spending a good chunk of time with them, so it was easier to be friends. Some of them you dated, and stopped for whatever reason, but were still forced to spend a good chunk of time with them. Then there were legitimate friends, but you found out after, (you guessed it,) that it was mostly because you were forced to spend a good chunk of time with them. Now to be fair, there were those friends that you ACTUALLY kept in touch with, that is until they became flaming boils on the butts of humanity to the point they won't even pick up the phone to call their own mother, but we're not talking about him today so lets move on shall we?
I look at blogs, face book, twitter, and all the other ways we can communicate now. I go over my face book friends list, as see names that I haven't talked to for years, and still for the most part don't, but they are there, and we say hi now and then. Then there are those, who you never thought you'd talk to even when you added them as friends, and find yourself chatting, or messaging back and forth more often then you did then when you were "friends." We also see our friends parents in our lists. You know the old girlfriends mom who couldn't stand you, (at least that's what you thought,) and you spent most of your time trying to arrange the most time with her daughter, and the least amount of time with the mother as possible. (you know the one) Now after the passage of time, you find your self talking to her more then her daughter. Of course your no longer dating, but have still remained friends over the years, but never thought you would sit and talk to her mom without being forced to .... EVER.
What has happened to us? Are all the old taboos gone because we have this filter of the internet? We now have the ability to find our soul mates before we ever enter the same room. The 90 lb. weakling can now publicly decimate the jock with words with out fearing for his mortal soul.
Have I finaly grown up, and this is the way it has always been, or are we, the lucky ones to live in this day and age changing the rules of the status quo to the point that all the old rules are gone?
Sorry This just came to me and I had to type this out. Maybe I'll recycle this for a psychology paper.... hmm that could work.
Sorry not to offend any one, but sit back and wait, your time is coming. I have some things on the burner that when it comes to a nice boil..... so should everyone else ;)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

It is time to rant!

My flock.....
Sit back, enjoy the ride, and remember the lesson taught back in my very first 'sermon'.... Would you rather be pissed off, or pissed on?... Now, THIS, is going to be fun!

  1. The Dixi Chicks. You all remember how many people got so pissed off at them for spouting their crap while overseas... Well isn't that the same thing Mr. O has been doing on his "America Apologizes to the World" World tour?
  2. Adults who wear Crocs! Talk about a Crock! These shoes are BARELY acceptable for children. If you are over 5....... GROW UP AND GET A PAIR! (of real shoes!)
  3. Democrats that all of a sudden are Shocked and appalled by a group of Americans standing up and protesting the President. It has come to my attention, again, that they can't take what the give. I now know what the word Hypocrite means.
  4. Those, don't spank your child. Talk to them and give them a time-out Idiots. Now I'm not saying BEAT your children, but a smack in the right direction never hurt anyone!
  5. The proper attire for a night at the movies is jeans and a tee shirt. A night at the Theater, i.e. Music Theater, the Opera, The Symphony..... Guess what my friends, ITS NOT FRICK'N Jeans! Slacks, a Button up shirt, maybe a skirt ladies? It doesn't have to be a 3 piece suit and tie every time, but come on! These people work hard to practice for weeks to give you a couple hours of enjoyment, an escape from reality. Is it too much to ask to put on a nice outfit to at least say thank you?
  6. The whole "Unjust War" crap! Sit down, and shut up. You should be glad you have the right to speak your mind.
  7. I support Gay Unions, but not Gay Marriage. Once again your WRONG! Lets examine. Marriage is the act of binding of a loving couple together in a setting before god. Okay if that was still the case you would be right. But its not. Q-Tips, Kleenex, Band-Aids. Those are all words we use to talk about objects that are not always true. Only Q-Tip BRAND Q-Tips are Q-Tips. Every other brand is some type of cotton swab. Kleenex? Unless you shelled out the big bucks your using facial tissue. And the moment you allowed the government to bind a couple together in matrimony with a Judge, and no minister and no church, Your marriage is still a civil union. BUT... Now that you have allowed a judge to perform this union, and call it a Marriage.... guess what, none of your big bad guy in the sky rules apply anymore. Sorry that's just the way it is.
Okay My children, that was fun, and thank you for helping me get acouple of things off my chest, and who knows, maybe you learned something today too.

The Rev

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Take 8 or so

My faithful followers and those who have stumbled into the Church of Common Sense. I have started this "sermon" probably no less then 8 times, but have neglected its posting due to the graphic nature of its offensiveness. Mind you I have no problem offending you, but I got worked up to a point, even I did not feel comfortable posting the words that were flowing out of my fingers.
Now this all started with Mr Obama's prime time press conference, or as I like to call it, "Hey look at me, I'm on prime time AGAIN wasting your tax dollars and trying to compete with 'So You Think You Can Dance'" Now in this press conference, he was defending his Health Care Plan. (A side note, it has been so long in putting this down in a 'savable format' that I now longer remember all the statements that irked me so bad.) I remember sitting there listening to him double talk and not answer any of the questions posed to him.
Here we have a 'post turtle' (Do a Google search if you are unsure) that is trying to drag our country through the toilet, and very few are doing anything! His numbers are dropping, support of his programs is tanking, and yet turn on the network news and he is still the "Savior." Watch any of the town hall meetings he holds, and you would think people were watching the Resurrection of Michale Jackson take place in front of their eyes!
Where did our Common Sense go!? I am at a loss. I can see it. It makes perfect sense to me, why do I feel like I am the only one? I go back to the campaign, I listened to him and said to myself, "This guys a Socialist! I thought Hillary was bad, help us ALL if this guy gets in." Now at the time I was working in the Aircraft industry, the PRIVATE Aircraft industry, and I was a member of the I.A.M. Union. Now lets take a look back, Unions supported him, and I was standing there with my handful of conservative friends, (David, Mikey, I miss those days!) looking around us seeing Obama support everywhere. Why? "If he gets elected we are all going to loose our jobs." David couldn't have said it better. Now he was smart and quit and went back to driving a truck before all hell broke loose. Now about 9 months after the election, THOUSANDS of jobs in my home town, in the Aircraft ind. alone are gone.
My Flock, its time for a lesson in Common Sense.
Rule #1, When you raise taxes to punish the rich, you destroy the poor!
***The rich will stay rich. If you take away their ability to make money, they will find a way around it. Higher taxes. No Problem! That just means higher costs, lower wages, and fewer jobs! When you lower taxes, they can sell more things at a cheaper cost, and employ more to achieve their goal, making money!
Rule #2, Liberal/Socialist plans do not work!
***Lets look at Detroit. They have been under Democratic control since 1962 and look how well that's worked for them!

Obama is a great speaker, and he has Charisma to spare, but we need to rally the troops and limit his time and power! The 2010 Elections are of the UTMOST importance. As Conservatives WE MUST TAKE BACK the House and Senate. Now a note to my Sheep out there. Yes, things were not great for the last 8 years. Yes, there are 'changes' that needed to be made. No, I myself did not necessarily want another Bush, and as that goes, McCain was not my first, (or second,) choice, but it was better then the other side offered. Are there dumb ass Republicans out there? YES, YES, YES! But how do we want the country ran? You have other countries that would like nothing more then to see a flaming America in their rear view mirrors, and what do we do? We cut the Defence budget and disable our anti missile programs. Is that responsible? Logical? I won't even dignify an answer. Okay, so now give me the "But America stood up and used their voice to bring CHANGE!" I respond with . Ignorance. Yes this is only a handful of people, and we don;t know haw many times they asked those questions before they got the answers they wanted, but its there. I DARE you, regardless of your affiliation to tell me that you do not know anyone that fit that profile. How many of you or your friends stood there and said "Well he's a Democrat, so that's all I need to know." Or "Its time we had a black president." Knowing damn well the entire time that you, or your friend was clueless about the agendas, the policies, and the way it would affect you personally. Every one of us that stood there and watched it happen, and did not try to educate the ignorant are to blame. Every one of us that voted on party lines and not the long term affects are to blame. Everyone of us that got caught up in a movement and stuffed our ears with the earplugs of HOPE and CHANGE are to blame. It is time to stand up, wake up and start paying attention! It is to late to change what has happened, but it is not to late to correct it. In 2010 there will be another election. On the table are a large number of House and Senate seats up for the taking. We can get rid of the Pelosi's, the Reid's and the Franks! With that power we can have the checks and balances that make our government work! It is not to late, we can repeal much of the Stimulus spending, we can stop the Socialist movement before it takes to many jobs and freedoms to recover from.
Are you offended? Good. Maybe it will make you think before you vote. Did this not apply to you? WRONG. We are all guilty! Brainwashed liberals voted like sheep and just did what they were told to. GUILTY! The informed Liberal voter, well, they just hate our country the way it is and would rather live in a land of Royalty and have a State Church. GUILTY! How about you over there in the corner? The guilty Conservative, that didn't really like the way Bush handled things, and besides, if you voted for that old white guy you might be called racist? GUILTY! Now the group I put myself in, the informed Conservative who tried to educate himself and the others around him. GUILTY! We didn't do enough. We all had friends and family that fell into the first two groups and we didn't try to save them. We passed it up as a hopeless cause, but the majority out there would over come. We were wrong! We got lucky and people saw through Gore and Kerry, and thought that we would be safe this time too. We didn't do enough!

Now, I sit back and ponder what I have just written, I realize this post took on a life of its own. I was going to go into another direction, but now that its done, I like this better. I ask you all to sit back and take the time to find out what group you are in, what you did wrong, and what you can do to earn forgiveness from what ever helps you get out of bed in the morning.

The Rev.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Why do I feel sooo dirty?

Welcome again, my flock of followers.
Now as many of you know, I don't like being the last to know things, so I get periodic emails from my 'friend' Barack Obama. (you can read it in its entirety bellow.)
Now, what I want to know is.... am I the only one that gets the weird 'Father Whats-his-name just asked me to go into the confessional so he could get a good look at the "demon" in my pants' feeling about this?
He is overseeing one of the worst economic time our country has seen in a great time, while spending every dollar he can get his hands on..... and he wants MORE!? We are beginning to be taxed to death, and that's not enough? Oh, and I LOVE the It doesn't matter how much you can give, as long as you give what you can bit there at the end. What.... If we don't give as much as we can.... god will kill Barack? Wait where have I heard that before?
Okay my Brothers and Sisters that's enough for now.....
Now here's the letter.....

J --

Last year, millions of Americans came together for a great purpose.

Folks like you assembled a grassroots movement that shocked the political establishment and changed the course of our nation. When Washington insiders counted us out, we put it all on the line and changed our democracy from the bottom up. But that's not why we did it.

The pundits told us it was impossible -- that the donations working people could afford and the hours volunteers could give would never loosen the vise grip of big money and powerful special interests. We proved them wrong. But as important as that was, that's not why we did it.

Today, spiraling health care costs are pushing our families and businesses to the brink of ruin, while millions of Americans go without the care they desperately need. Fixing this broken system will be enormously difficult. But we can succeed. The chance to make fundamental change like this in people's daily lives --
that is why we did it.

The campaign to pass real health care reform in 2009 is the biggest test of our movement since the election. Once again, victory is far from certain. Our opposition will be fierce, and they have been down this road before. To prevail, we must once more build a coast-to-coast operation ready to knock on doors, deploy volunteers, get out the facts, and show the world how real change happens in America.

And just like before, I cannot do it without your support.

So I'm asking you to remember all that you gave over the last two years to get us here -- all the time, resources, and faith you invested as a down payment to earn us our place at this crossroads in history. All that you've done has led up to this -- and whether or not our country takes the next crucial step depends on what you do right now.

Please donate whatever you can afford to support the campaign for real health care reform in 2009.

It doesn't matter how much you can give, as long as you give what you can. Millions of families on the brink are counting on us to do just that. I know we can deliver.

Thank you, so much, for getting us this far. And thank you for standing up once again to take us the rest of the way.


President Barack Obama

Monday, June 1, 2009

Sorry, but the Book Donkey got me started.

My dear, close friend John. May I start with, I love you. I love your family, I love your convictions. Now, as usual, in my own way, I agree with you..... partially.
Lets just say, hypothetically, a pro lifer, posts a message on a pro life website, asking how to infiltrate a well known abortion Doctors church, not the outside, but on the inside. Then a few months later, looks up directions, gets in his car, drives approximately 3 hours, walks into a CHURCH, locates his target, and shots him in the head at point blank range, walks out the door and starts to drive home. Hypothetically that is the definition of a premeditated ASSASSINATION.
Dr. Tiller, was assassinated, for his profession, his LEGAL profession.
I do not respond much, but as a born bred Wichitian, this hits a nerve. I lived through everyday of the "Summer of mercy." And am very, very pro choice.... POLITICALLY. Morally, I am pro life. However if you want to see what happens when you legislate morality, Google the Taliban.
Now for the rest of it I think you hit the nail on the head. When a 'religious' individual kills in the name of god, well, I agree with you.
Now for my sub-counter point. Pretty much as soon as women, started getting pregnant, they started trying to figure out how to undo it. We have come a long way in medical science and now have a means of providing that service with a low mortality rate. What happens when you make that procedure illegal? All abortions stop? Don't kid yourself. Can you say.... coat hanger? Good.... I knew you could. (sorry bad Mr. Rodgers crack)Just because they are illegal does not mean they don't happen! At least Dr Tiller gave his patients a choice. Yes he performed abortions, and yes some were late term, under special circumstances. But how many pro lifers standing in a picket line taunting panicked girls, stopped to really talk to them instead of showing them horrid pictures and telling them they were going to hell? (remember I saw the summer of mercy first hand.) Dr. Tiller did that. He gave counseling, and even helped some of his patients change their mind. Nobody talks about that.
Okay, now I apologize. not for what I said, but for how the reader of this takes it, I know I can be blunt, and this subject got me worked up. At the vigil for Dr Tiller Sunday night, speaking first hand, the atmosphere was full of love and morning, as opposed to the hateful "christians" across the street. (well as much as you can call the Phelps Wackadoos 'christian')
Dr Tiller, agree with him or not, was a hero in his own way.
Now as the hour is late, and I must call it a night, let me emphasize, John, in NO WAY is this 'rant' an attack on you! Its just a response.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

I think we are in trouble

For love of country we need help.
Today we took one step down the path of destruction. Now I know, "The big bad men took bonus' from the taxpayers!" That was bailout money to be used to save the company, but instead they used it to line their own pockets.
Now, I am not going to say you are foolish to believe that. But if you think that we need to grab our pitchforks and start chasing them down, well, I would call you uninformed.
Do they actually deserve the money? I don't know. However they had a contract, thanks to our governing 'asses' they were allowed to keep it.
But enough of that. That was only the flies on the poop.
Today, the house passed a bill, 328-93, that would tax individuals on any bonuses received in 2009 from companies getting $5 billion or more in money from the Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP. Bonuses for people with incomes over $250,000 would be taxed at a 90 percent rate. ((
I can not express my fears for the precedent that this gives!
REGARDLESS of your political beliefs, liberal, conservative, moderate or fracking nut job, this shit is scary!
There has been 'taxation without representation.' But never before on this level have we ever singled out a group, (as of NOW,) law abiding U.S. citizans, to commit 'taxation for vindication!'

If they do not deserve the money, we can sue them, or use any other of a long list of LEGAL means to recoup the less then 1% of the total bailout money from them. But we didn't. Why, there were no legal means as of yet, because there is no proof of wrong doing.

We came to a very, very dangerous fork in the road to our future today, and in my eyes, we went down the wrong path!

Please if nothing else watch them, and remember when election day comes. It has come time to start voting not our party, but our country's future.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Obama is worse the 9-11 for the economy?!?

Just a quick one before I go to work.
Have been hearing things about Obama's scorecard being the Dow.....

Now if I have my facts right, ( after 9-11 the Dow dropped to just over 8000, and that was a disaster.... now we have gone from 9034 on Jan 2 09 to to 6763. Just saying....

Oh and if you didn't believe that the 'driveby media' was hyping Obama, check this link out. How wrong was CNBC here?

Told you this would be short